Saturday, December 19, 2009

UPDATE: The drawing for the winner will be posted by this Saturday. Thank you! :)

Here is my newly built scrapbook space! Can I just say...I LOVE it! After scrapbooking on my kitchen counter and totally consuming the dining room table for waaaay too long, I was able to build this space out of a niche in my bedroom. Thanks to my unbelievably patient and accomodating sister and brother in law who hauled themselves up to IKEA for me, I had the components needed to get cabinet bases, shelves and a countertop of my dreams. I still have to paint a couple of 2x4's (don't look too close) :), but other than that it's complete. I can't wait to finish up a few scrappy projects and start some new ones. My sewing machine is tucked behind the dress form on the right, and I even have cutouts for the electrical cords. In honor of my newly defined space and also because my blog is about to pass the 13,000 (!) mark with hits from 38 countries, I want to give away my first RAK to you, my faithful readers. It'll be a good one, promise. Who knows, I might even throw in an extra surprise! ;) Here's what you need to do to win.... Each thing you do gets you another entry!

1. Leave a comment on my blog under this post. If you post an organizational tip, you'll get an additional entry.

2. Become a follower, then leave a post that you did that.

3. Leave a link to my blog about this RAK on another site, and come post and tell me where you did it.

4. Leave a post about your favorite thing you like about my new space (just cause it's fun for me to read!) hee hee

Ok, did you count them? That's five separate posts that mean five entries you can rack up! The RAK will be a great big 'ol honking package! If you want to see before photos and also pictures of the entire room my scrappy space is in, check out the two previous posts of this blog! P.s.: In case you're wondering, yes...those jars are all filled with ribbon. ;) They are beautiful recycled candle jars! If you want a zoom shot, just click on any photo.

UPDATE!!! You have til Dec 31st to get all your entries in! :) Drawing will be held the first week of Jan. 2010., so sorry, but contest for US residents only.

In the words of Julie Andrews...these are a few of my favorite things.

Dreamy organization...sigh

The deal of the century right here...Michael's had these dies on clearance for $9.99 and yes, you could use a coupon! Regularly priced @ $149.99 each..yes, you can gasp now!

Prisma yumminess!

Sweet Inspiration, oh, can you see the tiny hat stand and hat that my handsome prince bought for me?

My heart belongs to them...look at those eyes.

The Cherry on Top!

Scrap area....the bedroom

Here is the room my scrapspace is in.

Galveston Homes

Galveston Street Scene

Galveston Yard Sale Treasure, a very special doll from a very special friend, oh and see the beautiful jewelry box my little boy got for me?

Gifted Treasure from my Sister in Law, see the tiny quilts, too? :)

The before photos...

of my scrapbook area....lots of work ahead!

It's Coming!

And for your viewing pleasure....a RAK! My very first! Thank you for your patience in waiting for photos of my newly built scrapbooking space. I cannot wait to show you all the magic that has been worked. :) Photos will be forthcoming, probably tomorrow at the latest, cause it's really already tomorrow. It's about 2 a.m., but shhhh, don't tell my mother. ;) My hubbie has been so patient with me over the past two weekends while I work long into the night in our bedroom and he sleeps with our little boys on the floor in the other room. If you have computers, phones, faxes, a cricut, postal machines, etc. etc then you know the tangled web we weave of USB cables, phone lines, cable lines, and electrical cords when we unplug everything, rearrange furniture and start all over again trying to plug the chaos back in. It's finally done. All is assembled and working, the furniture is built, the counter top is cut and the pretty little inspiring touches are in place. Tomorrow I vacuum and then the picture taking will begin! In conjunction with that I'm hitting a huge milestone on my blog! I'm almost at 13,000 hits from over 38 countries! I really cannot believe it and want to thank you all so much for coming to visit so often. My blog is relatively new, only starting in April, so that is super exciting for me. I remember being amazed when it hit 100! The RAK is not to be missed and will be loaded with scrappy goodness. Stay tuned...