Hello to my fellow blog lovers!!! Thank you so much for continuing to visit even though I haven't rewarded you with much inspiration in awhile. Some of this is for very good reasons: I've been scrapbooking and creating more! I've finally found some balance in my life where I've been able to carve out some time on a more regular basis to find (make) time to do this for myself and my family. I'm a much happier person when this part of my soul is fed. ♥ I'm betting you're the same way. ;) In a future blog post I'll tell you my new found secrets, and maybe they'll help you, too.
My latest venture in my quest to find time and to get a handle on over 70,000 (!) photos on two computers is to dive into Stacy Julian's biggest project yet over at Big Picture Classes. Here's a great blog post she did explaining what this year long venture is about.
There's a wealth of information here and lots of inspiration to join up, too. I am excited about making a potential of 164 layouts in the coming year just in this class alone! And shopping my stash. ;) And having some 'me time' to rejuvenate. I hope you'll look it over. If you decide to join me please leave me a comment and we can find each other over on the BPC forum. Happy Scrapping! :)
Photo credit: Stacy's blog. Custom Journals by Paper Coterie ♥