Our family has been reunited with someone that's never left our hearts. ♥ My husband's stepmom, who we affectionately call our "bonus mom", made the heartwrending decision to give up precious baby girls for adoption. She did it for their own safety and the amazing desire for them to have a better life. This was before she became my husband's stepmom and came into their life. I had been working with Sue for over 11 years to try to find them, then 3 more on my own. We filled out every form we knew to fill out, and I blasted internet adoption sites and boards with their info. We had nothing to go on, nothing. Records were locked up tight. Sadly, my mother in law passed away very unexpectedly three years ago. But I continued looking. I made a promise. I'm glad I did. 4 weeks ago I got an email from one of twins. I couldn't believe it. Could not believe it.
After many phone calls and emails, one of the girls is going to come see us today. She's flying across the country with her husband and baby girl. We can't wait. I've been working on two quickly made scrapbooks for the girls full of photos of their mom. I used premade photo albums, the kind with the pockets for 4x6 photos, altered the front covers, added in patterned paper thru out, covered the front and back inside covers, and added in embellishments. I sprinkled facts about their mom thru out the pages, too. It was such an honor to work on something so important for them. Can't wait to give it to them today.