My first award...a little teary eyed here. Thank you so much Amanda for the Kreativ Blogger Award. Please visit Amanda at this great blog she has going. http://paperscrapsandpicturepassion.blogspot.com/ Here are the rules of the award...
1) Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2) Copy the logo and place it on your blog
3) Link to the person who nominated you for this award
4) Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting
5) Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers
6) Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate
7) Leave a comment on each of the seven blogs letting them know they have been nominated.
ok...7 things, huh?
1. I would love to live in a canyon in southern Utah...I think about it daily. I cry everytime I see Zion.
2. I wish I was from England....but the South is the next best thing!
3. I've wanted to be a mommie since I was a little girl.
4. I've read hundreds of books, and always have a stack by my bedside.
5. I get the giggles and can't stop, at the most inappropriate times. :)
6. I used to train exotic birds. I love animals.
7. I love chips and salsa.
Now...for the blogs I nominate, in no particular order...I love you all!
Cindy over at The Vintage Vignette
Jing Jing at This Little Art of Mine
Jennifer at Learn.Create.Inspire
Lizzy Kartchner at Just Us
http://elizabethkartchner.blogspot.com/ I know you're probably too busy Lizzy, but I gotta try. I love, love, love your blog and your work!
Erica at Scrapbook Obsession
Noel Joy at Paper Passion and Pixel Mania
Jingle at Just Jingle
Enjoy the award...you all deserve it for having such amazing blogs and putting such effort and love into them!