I don't know if your little boy is as robot crazy as mine is, but he literally screamed when he saw this little notebook I made for him! What more could I ask for, right? This was such a fun and easy project to do. I bought a premade spiral unlined notebook because he loves to draw (mostly robots at the moment!) Then I covered the front and back in patterned paper, layers of embellishments and lots of modge podge so they wouldn't come off with little hands touching it all the time. The papers and stickers are from K&Co's Kazoo Kids line. I inked and also painted highlights in metallic paint to pick up the metal of the robots. The planets are punched circles that are inked with rings painted around them, and the stars are tranparant acrylic shapes. The robot's 'contrail' is an acrylic flourish. Metal brads finish off the hardware look. I plan on making more of these in different styles, and I'm seriously needing a dose of pink in an upcoming project! With two boys and mostly nephews I'm overdue for something girly!
The Best Easy April Fools' Day Pranks
[image: Toothpaste with raisin in it for April Fools prank.]The lazy
person's guide to April Fools' Day pranks. Every year I add more and more
pranks to my...